Thursday, June 7, 2007

i was an english major

Words matter.
So do their meanings.
I get 'em mixed up sometimes - we all do.

But repeated, irresponsible usage of words should be ticketed and fined.
I work with someone who always says "irregardless."
Irregardless is not really a word.

My latest beef is the word "brief." Everyone at work wants to "brief" me on what's going on.
Let's be clear - the word brief means short, to the point, succinct.
3 hour meetings don't count!

I've been "lengthied" all week and I'm ready for a good ol' brief.

1 comment:

Katester said...

I just tagged you with a meme. Rules and format are included in my recent blog post. Can't wait to see what you do with it!