It's still relevant.

I realize I'm paying homage to my marriage a bit prematurely - the ol' anniversary isn't until Monday. But they're inducing my sister's labor tomorrow. So I'll have more important things to say in the next 48 hours or so. (Or for Jen's sake, 24 hours or so).
In the meanwhile, I just have to say that there are about a million reasons why I love my husband. Here are a few.
- He makes me laugh.
- He's strong.
- He's gentle.
- He knows things he has no right knowing. Like the fact that you're not supposed to lay a refrigerator on its back. And tool stuff and handy stuff I can't even begin to describe.
- He calls me baby and I don't feel demeaned.
- He usually smells good.
- He's really very handsome.
- I have honestly never met anyone who dislikes him.
- He can carry the whole load of groceries in one trip.
- He vacuums because it makes me sneeze.
- He takes me camping and we wear dorky head gear (see above) and laugh a lot.
- He takes me out of my comfort zone and I still feel safe.
- In the winter, he goes to bed first and warms up my side.
- He makes me feel beautiful.
- He has patience for my weaknesses.
- He makes me proud.
- He has crazy adventurous stories about growing up in the Philippines.
- He doesn't watch football. Or golf.
- Sometimes I can't tell where he ends and I begin.
- He still has friends from high school. I think that says a lot about a person.
- He calls his dad "daddy." And he has tattoos. I think the word I'm looking for here is well-rounded.
- He thinks I'm the best cook ever.
- He loves God more than me.
- He makes 2 years of marriage feel like an instant.
PS. I have sense gotten a new headlamp. Much more stylish, but not nearly as funny.
Luuucky. Gosh!
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