One thing that I'm still trying to get used to is the infamous "pregnancy nose." I can tell if Dodger's done his duty in the backyard just by stepping out onto the deck, without any visual of the doodie. Needless to say, it makes the location of my desk (about 12' from the bathrooms) very unfortunate for me. Again, I'll spare you the details, but sometimes I indulge in my hand lotion more for the nasal satisfaction than the hydrating qualities.
Where is this going, you ask?
Well, most people really only ever talk about negative smells (as I have just done). But as I type, there is a woman sitting about 6' from me, waiting for an appointment. She smells so dang good, I just wish I could think of a way to mention it. I know better than to mention an offensive BO, but a good one? Should you compliment? To a woman, it's okay, right? I'm not hitting on her. But what do you say? "Hey, I think you smell pretty neat. And I really appreciate it given the deuce that was dropped 30 minutes ago right over there. And yes, a 30 minute old poo is just as gross as a fresh one when you're pregnant. You probably know that - you have kids? Coffee brewing, too - I never thought I would think that's gross, but it is! And the absolute WORST is microwaved eggs a la nutrisystem..."
I just can't see how I would ever really wrap it up. So I'm letting it go. But I secretly hope she's here waiting for a long time...
Makes you wonder what the receptionist was thinking of you the last time you were alone in the waiting room, eh? Here's hoping she wasn't pregnant.
Well done:-)
wow, that was really funny. --brett
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