Thursday, May 22, 2008

hormones make me cheesy

I've been humming this song for weeks - pretty much ever since Keith started his new job. It's been an adjustment for us - a new schedule, a new level of exhaustion, a shake up of household responsibilities, a new budget - the works. But it's been awesome. And to have a husband who comes home every day covered with dirt, but happy to his core to have done something productive makes my heart happy. And the truth is I love him to pieces.

And it's no surprise to anyone who knows me that mornings are not exactly my "best" time. I believe it was Wassa who said it best. "Watching Johnson wake up is painful. It's as if she's never had to face a morning before in her life. Each day, it's a new and traumatizing experience." (or something like that, right Wass?) BUT... even with 5 months with no caffeine (besides one moment of weakness and a can of mountain dew), I'm PRODUCTIVE in the morning! Getting to bed at 10pm is good for my soul. I still sleep in more than Keith and have to live with the daily guilt of my hour-long love/hate relationship with the snooze button. But I even TALK before getting to work. To the animals, of course. But this is like breaking new ground. And I'm not tired in the afternoon. And I'm happier. And I just feel like a good person, almost like I'm better than everyone else dragging in exhausted, almost like I jog in East Grand Rapids.

All of that to say, my morning-Susie-homemaker-self has been humming good ol' Kenny for quite some time because of the chorus, really. I remember Meghan declaring this would be her wedding song. For me, I feel as though it's my theme song this month. So I decided I better look up the lyrics. I read them today. And they made me cry.

I don't have any idea who won American Idol last night, but I'll bet you that person is no Kenny Loggins. And I'm here to say I wish there were more of him because Light Rock is where it's at!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe not cheesy, just at one with life.

(I feel like I should say "zen" too, just for kicks.)

Being a morning person, although I continue to fight it to the death, does have a whole bunch of perks. Watching the sun rise is a fairly mind-blowing experience.

Although I would prefer to see it at the tail-end of a really productive night. Just sayin.