Wednesday, June 4, 2008

just think if I had had a bad day

I went to Meijer last night. I should have just stayed home and poked my eyes out. Or grown my own food - it would have taken less time.

They're in the process of remodeling. That Meijer has been the same since I was a freshmen in college. Now all the sudden the yogurt (which used to be in the very last aisle) is temporarily in the produce section?! Don't get me wrong - I'm thrilled with the potential for an upgrade. All I'm asking for is a friendly little note in the very last aisle that says "You can now find yogurt in the produce section." Is that seriously too much to ask?

I thought my quick errand would take 30 minutes max. It was an hour because I walked the entire length of the store - all four corners - at least four times. Greeting cards are in the front?! Arg.

They're also working on installing more self-check outs, but they're all still express lanes. The two cashiers on my end of the store are adolescent males. I make it a habit to never stand in a teenage boy's line. They're at least twice as slow as any other human being on the planet. I was intrigued by some of the articles in Fit Pregnancy. Lucky for me, I had a chance to read them all before even putting my things on the conveyer. And then he wants to talk about the weather. It was all I could do to not shove him out of the way and scan my own groceries. "You don't have to look up the number for cherries - it's right on the bag..."

And the best part? I bought four greeting cards. He read them. All. But he didn't understand one of them. He asked me about it.

"I guess you just have to hope no one sends that one to you!"

I wasn't even in a hurry, but this is why people go postal.


Katester said...

What?! You don't read someone else's greeting cards. That's just pure lunacy!

Heidi said...

Has anyone suggested to you that "It's just your hormones?!" I look forward to reading your post when that happens, unless your head explodes before you get the chance!!