Monday: Dead possum found in front of office. Intern told to find shovel and remove of roadkill. Intern eagerly looks for shovel. No luck, thankfully. Or the rotting carcass would still be in our dumpster. City is called. Road kill interaction averted. For now.
Wednesday: Intern picks up boss from airport, drives him to office. Both arrive to loading dock to find dead mouse outside the door. (Seriously, is there something in the air?) I open the door, boss stops it and says, "Don't squish the mouse! Get a shovel." Intern reports the shovel is MIA. I grab background paper (heavy duty stuff) - well over three feet of it - hand it to the intern and say, "Here - just throw it in the dumpster." Boss yells, "No! You can't ask the intern to manhandle dead meat." (Or something to that effect). Other boss overhears, pushes the men out of the way and womanhandles the dead meat.
Thursday: Intern sent to pick up more background paper (one too many roadkills and we're out). Given boss' car for the errand. Lays down the back seat, sets large tube of heavy paper from trunk to front seat. Closes the trunk. Shatters windshield. Passenger's side window won't roll down. Intern stranded 45:00 away from office. Panics.
Meanwhile, we've heard about our editor's favorite joke at the old place, asking the intern to go downstairs and find the bars and tone.There was no downstairs.
I like this. And since I haven't had anything clever or witty to share and still haven't downloaded any pictures from our weekend with Abbie, here it is. Enjoy. Thanks, Katie.
If you liked it too, you can read more about it here.
I'm not sure if it's the hormones or the recent news that we may be able to see Troy and Faith and Yazzie home from Bangladesh this Christmas, but it actually chokes me up a little bit.
Due date's been bumped up from September 29 to September 21. 8 days might not feel like a lot to you, but I've officially scheduled my freakout for this Friday. Brace yourself, Heid.
It's only July 8 and I've already had a great summer. I owe you some pictures.
Keith's been busy on projects at the house. Not even mentioning the nursery (pictures to come soon - we're so close!), he's been busy. He built a fence. Dodger hates it because it made his yard very boring (no good views of the street), but I can put him outside without keeping half an eye on him like normal. This will be an even bigger deal once the baby arrives, I suppose. Here it is in progress - the finished product is even more impressive!
He also managed to kill the weed that threated to eat our house. This sucker seriously sprang up in a week and had thorns. It has to be some sort of demon plant.
This summer is also the first time in our marriage that Keith regularly falls asleep before me. I celebrate this as a sort of "high." Although it breaks my heart to tell Dodger it's time to get down. Can you even believe how huge he is?
We haven't stayed home ALL summer, though... We went to Florida - saw alligators, my grandpa's "smile" and Lily in the ocean for the first time.
We also went to Detroit and and saw the Tigers beat the Dodgers - my first professional sporting event! We mourned the loss of Dodger's special friend, Wednesday. (Named after hump-day, you get the picture). I seriously think we have more pictures of this dog than anything else in our life. For now. Lily turned one year old!
We celebrated our anniversary by camping up north this past weekend. I don't think there was ever a more perfect weekend in terms of weather. It's impossible to not like camping when it's this great. This is 6' from our tent. Awesome. I just wish I had a picture of back-packer Keith blowing up his pregnant wife's MONSTROUS air mattress!!
And just to prove that I do let Keith handle the camera sometimes and I AM still alive.... hi.
This week marks the beginning of my third timester and my third anniversary to my husband. We're adjusting to the first and celebrating the latter.
As far as the pregnancy goes, I'm in a bit of shock. Only three more months until we meet our son. The first three months felt like eons. The second three months felt like three months. I'm a little concerned that the third three months will feel more like hours. If one more person tells me "September is just around the corner!" I might get violent. I suppose it helps that I'm experiencing some minor discomforts. Nothing too drastic or even worth complaining about. I just wish I could bend over to plug in my computer each morning without making that old man noise. And I know that women who have had babies before get to this stage and are counting down the days because they just want their pregnancy to be over. Not me. Still significantly intimidated by the idea of getting every necessary baby part from the inside of me to the outside of me. Besides that, I feel pretty comfortable with the idea of pregnancy. I get it. I figured out how to cope with the annoyances. Motherhood on the other hand, new ball game. I'm pretty sure it'll take more than 27 weeks to catch on there...
And then again, when I think about how much my life, my perspective, my outlook has changed (all for the better) in three years of marriage, I can't even begin to imagine what life will look like three years from now. I'll have a son who (Lord willing) walks and talks and hopefully uses the potty on his own. He'll call me mommy. He'll adore his daddy almost as much as I do. And I'll have been married to my best friend for six years.