Keith's been busy on projects at the house. Not even mentioning the nursery (pictures to come soon - we're so close!), he's been busy. He built a fence. Dodger hates it because it made his yard very boring (no good views of the street), but I can put him outside without keeping half an eye on him like normal. This will be an even bigger deal once the baby arrives, I suppose. Here it is in progress - the finished product is even more impressive!
This summer is also the first time in our marriage that Keith regularly falls asleep before me. I celebrate this as a sort of "high." Although it breaks my heart to tell Dodger it's time to get down. Can you even believe how huge he is?
We went to Florida - saw alligators, my grandpa's "smile" and Lily in the ocean for the first time.
We also went to Detroit and and saw the Tigers beat the Dodgers - my first professional sporting event!
We mourned the loss of Dodger's special friend, Wednesday. (Named after hump-day, you get the picture). I seriously think we have more pictures of this dog than anything else in our life. For now.
Lily turned one year old!
We celebrated our anniversary by camping up north this past weekend. I don't think there was ever a more perfect weekend in terms of weather. It's impossible to not like camping when it's this great. This is 6' from our tent. Awesome. I just wish I had a picture of back-packer Keith blowing up his pregnant wife's MONSTROUS air mattress!!
And just to prove that I do let Keith handle the camera sometimes and I AM still alive.... hi.
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