Friday, July 20, 2007

my new favorite game

One of the things I love most about my husband is that he forces me to take life less seriously.
He has an ability to make me laugh and play like no one else I know.
When he's driving and we go through a drive-through window and I dare him to say stupid stuff, he ALWAYS says it. That used to be my favorite game.
Tonight, I needed to buy a CD. I don't know why. Maybe it had something to do with going to a high school graduation open house - something in me needed a green altima driving through Grand Haven with a new CD.
I figured I could do one out of the three.
So I took a gamble and bought a CD I knew nothing about except I'm pretty sure Wassa liked it... Ani Difranco.
We had a half hour ride home and no CD player in the car.
Keith sang the lyrics... like Johnny Cash, Kermit the Frog, a gangsta rapper, Adam Sandler, and the list goes.
Oh, how I love him.

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