Keith and I got home from the beach last night around 8pm. It was the perfect beach day, although we only really spent the evening there. Good waves, warm water (I went all the way in), enough breeze to cool your skin, but not so much that you eat sand the whole time. All in all, a great trip to the water on a beautiful evening.
I wasn't quite ready to go inside when we got home. So I putzed. I watered all the plants. then I started pulling weeds. Pulling weeds is the perfect chore for me. It's all about instant gratification. You get dirty enough to feel like you did something. And the pile when you're done is always impressive.
Keith got in on the action, too. We weeded rock beds, side yards, wood chip piles, and finally the parkway. Our parkway is about 75% weeds and 25% grass. We knew we'd be out there for a while. We were only there a short bit when the kids found us. Freddy & Sammy, our "regulars" came with two of their friends. The friends were okay with stopping by, but they didn't really want to hang out there. They kept trying to get Sammy and Freddy to come play. You probably think F & S were playing with Dodger. Nope. They were pulling weeds. It even turned into a competition - my root's longer than yours! So?! I pulled more weeds than you!
They were out there long enough having enough fun that the friends even came back and entertained the dog. Couple that with two lengthy conversations with adult neighbors and I'll tell you I feel at home.
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