Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Week of Threes

This week marks the beginning of my third timester and my third anniversary to my husband. We're adjusting to the first and celebrating the latter.

As far as the pregnancy goes, I'm in a bit of shock. Only three more months until we meet our son. The first three months felt like eons. The second three months felt like three months. I'm a little concerned that the third three months will feel more like hours. If one more person tells me "September is just around the corner!" I might get violent. I suppose it helps that I'm experiencing some minor discomforts. Nothing too drastic or even worth complaining about. I just wish I could bend over to plug in my computer each morning without making that old man noise. And I know that women who have had babies before get to this stage and are counting down the days because they just want their pregnancy to be over. Not me. Still significantly intimidated by the idea of getting every necessary baby part from the inside of me to the outside of me. Besides that, I feel pretty comfortable with the idea of pregnancy. I get it. I figured out how to cope with the annoyances. Motherhood on the other hand, new ball game. I'm pretty sure it'll take more than 27 weeks to catch on there...

And then again, when I think about how much my life, my perspective, my outlook has changed (all for the better) in three years of marriage, I can't even begin to imagine what life will look like three years from now. I'll have a son who (Lord willing) walks and talks and hopefully uses the potty on his own. He'll call me mommy. He'll adore his daddy almost as much as I do. And I'll have been married to my best friend for six years.

I can't imagine how fun that's going to be.


Anonymous said...

I thought you were going to write "...third husband"...

Heidi said...

You're going to be such a good Mommy. Twenty-seven plus weeks to catch on? No way. You'll be a natural.