My grandma passed away a few weeks ago. In the process of preparing for her funeral and visitation, many MANY pictures were viewed. Pictures I didn't know existed. Take, for example, the pic of me in my head gear. You heard me. I seriously thought there was absolutely no proof that contraption ever existed. Now that Keith has seen it, I've never been more sure of the longevity of my marriage.
And then there was the picture of the Worst Idea Ever. In caps because it is. Straight up.
It was halloween. 3rd grade? My BFF Alissa had figured out how to braid wire into her strawberry blond, butt length hair. She found striped tights and was going to be the best Pippi Longstocking ever. I adored Pippi and was insanely jealous. So I said to myself, "Self, if you're going to be seen with Pippi, you better come up with something good!"
I had this sassy pair of red sunglasses branded "California Raisins." I might have gotten them out of a cereal box - not too sure on that one. Then it hit me. Standing in the center aisle at Meijer, looking at all the halloween head dresses. I could be... a raisin!!!! From California! HA!
I knew the dance move. Roll hands, point to left. Roll hands, point to right. Give a little hip sway. Repeat.
And I would be funny. That was important. No way I can compete with how cute Alissa would be. So go the funny route. This was gonna be great.
In my head, it was hilarious. And to be honest, it was funny in my head up until three weeks ago when I saw the picture:

I'm sure I don't have to tell you that this costume didn't go over that great.
Forgive the caps here, but seriously people -
My mom would answer this question with some response about how head strong I was and how once I made up my mind about something... but SERIOUSLY! She let me out into the streets to beg for candy looking like this!
And no, your screen doesn't need to be calibrated - my face is blue. Not purple.
My sweatshirt is blue and inside out.
I think we can all agree that my mic was rad, but that's about it.
Picture me, sitting on Alissa's bed emptying my pillow case looking for razor blades while Alissa let down her hair.
"Why in the world would people think I was one of those underwear guys??? Weird!
(You might remember this story...)
Ummm, where's the picture of the head gear?
sara, i know you wrote this awhile ago...but i am reading it now and CRACKING UP! a morning belly laugh...nothing better. thank you. (and thank your mother for not telling you you had grapes on your head.)
ps - the mic IS pretty rad.
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