Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We got to go hear the heartbeat again yesterday. It was different this time - easier to find, louder - Bud sure is growing fast! There was also a new sound this time - a very electronic sounding blip that interrupted the heartbeat. I panicked at first and Doctor said, "That's the baby moving."


I mean, rationally, I know it's not just sitting in there, stuck to the wall with velcro or something. But there were a TON of blips! And Bud's about the size of an apple.

I can't tell you how creepy it is to think of something the size of an apple moving and grooving in my abdomen without having the slightest inclination that it's happening.

Second only to how creepy it must be to be able to feel another human being moving and grooving in your abdomen! I'll tell you in a few more weeks...


Kara said...

I can only guess the sex if you tell me how fast the heartbeat was. I am a believer.

SH said...

SERIOUSLY? I think he said 140's - 150's. I flippantly told him that didn't mean anything to me. Do tell!

SH said...

I just googled... you're going to guess girl, aren't you?!

Heidi said...

"Bizarre" is a good word for it! I hope Keith was able to be there.

Kara said...

Well, Noah was a little on the high side, but Grace was at least 150 everytime so. . .