Thursday, March 29, 2007

alone in a hotel in california

I've been looking for an outlet lately. Should I take a photography course? Write more? Buy a house so I have a place for my piano? At some point, instant gratification takes over and I need something here, NOW.
Like a blog.
So here goes - my outlet.

I turned 27 last week. Why do odd numbers always sound bigger?
I feel old.
To make matters worse, this week, I bought a house.
Actually, Keith bought a house - I was in California.
It was kind of nice, actually.
I wish I could make him a shirt that says, "My wife went to California and all I got was this AWESOME HOUSE!"
It's going to be a big year.
I hope to document it well. Maybe I'll even do it here.

Here is a picture of my biggest financial commitment ever...

1 comment:

SN said...

woo hoo! another blog to add to my weekly reading list (hey, it really passes the time sometimes...). CONGRATS on the new house! it looks so cute! when are you guys moving?