Tuesday, July 28, 2009

This made me happy

The PEN Story from PENStory on Vimeo.

Seems like I just can't get enough of this stuff.
It'll get old, I'm sure.
But for now, I like it, and I like it a lot.
Kind of makes me want to quit my job and go on vacation forever and take lots of pictures. Care to join me?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Anyone else think find the main subject in this headline amusing?
Nevermind the people who needed to be treated for smoke inhalation - we got to use the LADDER!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hey! I have an idea!

Hey, you! SAHM! Yeah, you!
I love the whole home-school "raise up smart shoppers" thing. Seriously. I do.
If I had all day with my middle schooler, I'd make her* my coupon you-know-what in a heartbeat. I might even go so far as to have charts for store comparison. Probably not - you got me there. But there'd be a price-per-unit discussion, for sure.

But seriously.

You can bet your britches that it would also be a lesson about courtesy.
And when we saw a young, beautiful 20-something professional woman buying pork chops for a last minute dinner party, we'd get out of her way so she can make the best of her lunch hour. Maybe even give her a chance to run home and tidy up the place a bit. And no, we would not get in her way at every possible turn.
No siree.

And while I'm at it, might I suggest that while you're... um... teaching - that you take your calls in the teacher's lounge?

Maybe next time, eh?
Much appreciative.

*I see this trend all the time in Holland. But only ever with girls. Naive to consider that coincidence? Yeah, I thought so.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Just when you think it's all been done before

Diego Stocco - Music From A Tree from Diego Stocco on Vimeo.

boom box

Tonight, Keith and I strolled the streets of Downtown Holland and enjoyed the watching the Street Performers. I get such a kick out it. You see everything from jugglers to break dancers to face painters to Young Life leaders with their guitars. Tonight my new favorite was the hula hooper. You heard me. She was amazing. Never. Stop. Hula-hooping. Usually two at once. Never mind that she had her butt hanging out of her shorts and everyone I heard comment about her said something to the effect of "wow, she's good - but why is she dressed like that?" She really was good. Silver shorts and fish net stockings and all. (The good news was she was also very pretty, so it wasn't as painful as you might be picturing.)

A block away, there's the old standby Belly Dancer. The best part of her routine is getting 3 year little girls in on the action. There were no toddlers when we approach. Just a... woman... doing her... thing. As we settled in to our spot, my husband who NEVER (seriously - never) has ANYTHING to say about another woman's appearance said "Look at her boom box!"

I scanned this poor woman from head to toe and back and could not figure out what in the world Keith would be referring to as a boom box. And then I noticed it - she had a huge portable stereo on the side walk. He really was talking about a boom box - and not in a "that's what she said" kind of way.

I seriously don't know another man on the face on the planet who would look at an adult woman, with a low cut blouse and bare midriff, shaking it all wildly and comment on her stereo. Do you? Sorry ladies, he's mine.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Definition of a good day

As a parent, I find myself bending over backwards to make sure Ben has a "good day."
Is he eating stuff he likes or that is healthy enough to fight over it a little bit? How can we schedule the day so that he has the best possible nap? Is he dressed appropriately? Is he cozy? Is he entertained? Does he have enough of my attention? Did he try anything new today? Did he get enough fresh air? Did we read? Sing a song? Cuddle long enough?
It's important to me.

It struck me recently that I don't do the same for myself. My day is deemed either good or bad based on the circumstances around me, not what I can control. I rarely have such an active evaluation of what I'm doing to make myself happy, healthy, and comfortable. What if we all lived each day asking ourselves:
Did I eat well enough today? Did I get enough exercise? Did I smile enough? Did I affirm someone today? Did I spend enough time talking with God? Did I get to bed early enough? Did I worry too much? Spend too much money on stuff? Stew over something too long? Did I laugh? At least once? Hard? Did I show Keith how much I love him today?

I'm gonna try.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Almost Candid

Reason #4,563,891 why I love my husband.

Friday, July 3, 2009