Sunday, January 31, 2010

February Eve

You should know by now that I hate February.
Last February I lost my job. I got it back, sorta, but things sucked for me.
The February before that, my husband lost his job. He didn't get it back and things sucked for us.
I could go on, but you've read most of it before.

So here we are.
February Eve.
I'm crabby today. Crabbier than I have been in a while. I hope it's not any indication of things to come in the next four weeks.
But the truth is, I don't have much reason to be crabby. The sun has been shining for two straight days. I'm just coming off of a full week of great bonding with my son. My husband is finally home after 7 days away.
And here I am.

By Keith.
By cold.
By wet socks.
By Meijer.
By my hair.
My car.
My zip code.

And when I look at that list, I feel ridiculous in light of the hurt in this world.
Every single one of those things would be a huge blessing to anyone with their head screwed on straight.
So I'm going to do my best and suck it up.

Thanks for the rant.