Thursday, August 30, 2007

The proverbial worm

He might be dang cute, but this frickin' dog has an affinity for cat cookies.
Whether he finds them in the yard, on a walk, or in our cat box, he's often hiding a "special treat" in his mouth. At home, he gets the tell-tale sandy lips. On walks, he's pretty good about "drop it." But in the yard, I've pulled more than one stinky tootsie roll out of the dog's mouth.


It's my blog. I can.

Here's where I was going with this...
Just one sentence.
Wisdom gained by spending the whole day at home with the "kids."

The only thing worse than finding poop in the cat box is finding half a poop in the cat box.

The End.

First Hair Cut

I hope I'm this camera-happy when I have a human child...
But c'mon - check out that 'stach!
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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


You can see pictures of the rest of the family in San Diego here.


What do you get when you cross 4 Hogan kids, a willing baby, and just a little too much time on your hands?
Pimp Baby.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007

I miss my church

For a whole list of reasons, Keith and I haven't made it to church at Madison in a long while.
My office is actually quiet today, so as i catch up on some accounting things, I'm listening to a sermon on line. I love technology...

Here's your thought for the day:
Humility isn't thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less.

Might want to read that twice.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

You really shouldn't have

Airline bereavement discount is $18.
That's all I have to say about that.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I remember asking for a class like this more than once.
So now that there's a whole degree, how come I feel so pissed?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm going to san diego

Aug 15
Partly Cloudy
77°/69° 20%
2 Low

Aug 16
Partly Cloudy
77°/70° 10%
2 Low

Aug 17
77°/69° 20%
2 Low
Fire Up Your Grill
Aug 18
76°/68° 10%
1 Low

Aug 19
75°/68° 10%
1 Low

Monday, August 13, 2007

Note to self

Next time you have road rage, picture Stoyko in the car you hate.
Remember today, when you met Stoyko when he stopped by on his way home to Bulgaria.
Remember the absolute fear in his eyes at the thought of American traffic.
Remember his relief and frustration all at once with GPS.
Remember his desire to drive correctly and deepest regret when getting honked at.
It'll make you a better person on the road if you just remember.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

He'll never be a man

I sure am glad you only neuter a dog once in a lifetime.
Dodger is about as pathetic as I've ever seen.
Most of his baby teeth fell out this week.
And he had the "snip" today.
His brain is totally awake, but he doesn't totally have all of his hind end feeling back. He's kind of like Bambi on ice tonight.
And the poor little guy is big into hygiene, but licking isn't allowed.
Thus the cone.
Two weeks in this thing.
So sad.

you know, like that one scene from Cutting Edge

My office-mate has been listening to the same depressing CD for three weeks straight. All day, every day. Well - maybe not all day, but if there's music playing, it's this one CD.

I mentioned to her the other day that it might be nice to "shake it up a bit."

She found Pandora.

So yesterday we listened to other artists like that one CD all day.

I made it my ultimate mission this morning to get booted up first and fire up the i-tunes. I don't usually need music during the day (there's enough chaos anyway), but today I needed control over the tuner.

I'm spending my morning with Adam Duritz.
I should listen to my music more often.
It's gonna be a good day.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I scratched my eye ball

I've been living with a tiny clear nodule embedded into the soft tissue of my eye lid for the past two days. Wasn't too bad - my contacts behaved as a nice little band aid for me. But whenever the contacts were out and I would blink, my eye ball got a fresh little scratch. Ow.

So I went to the eye doctor. He got it out. I figured I would end up paying $100 for him to stick a Q-tip in my eye and pull the little bugger out. But since my issue wasn't related to vision (for which I have no insurance), they billed our medical insurance. Woo-hoo!

And like most things, you take the good with the not so good.

As I'm standing at the counter, writing my piddly little copay check, the technician who had been helping me said, "So just how tall are you?" In my head, I always complete this sentence with "you freak." Thanks, lady. If I weren't so happy that my eye doesn't hurt and my wallet doesn't hurt, I might just go postal on you.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Hongs in Holland

Tim and Candice stayed with us this weekend. They were in "town" for a wedding three hours away. You know they're good friends when they'd prefer to stay with us, six hour drive for the event or not. What a gift! It was great to see them and share our house and our new town with them.

We spent Sunday wandering the streets of Saugatuck. We ate at an English pub to satisfy Candice's fish'n'chips craving. Even did a little wine tasting.

The great thing about Tim and Candice is that they are comfortable just about anywhere. He's from Korea, but grew up in Vietnam and the Philippines. She's from Singapore, but grew up in Malaysia and Australia. Even spent a year in England. None of us were expecting her to feel quite so at home in West Michigan....

Friday, August 3, 2007


Makes you think twice about staying late, eh?

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

I'm living in Quincy's brain

My friend Quincy is an amazing artist. He can make every day a "musical day", singing every interaction and emotion. He's living the dream, writing scores and scripts in Manhattan, rubbing shoulders with people who actually go to the Tonys. He's my favorite celebrity.

I've thought a lot about him this week as I have surely entered some stage of hell at the office. I am convinced that Satan whistles incessantly. There's certainly no room for that crap in heaven. A little whistling here and there - nice. Incessant - horrible.

I work with one whistler and one hummer.
The whistler is memorizing lines for The Sound of Music. Edelweiss should not be whistled, it should be hummed.

The hummer has a daughter who recently learned about Phantom of the Opera. Ever notice how you can hum any of the songs from that musical and you land on the same phrase? That one phrase... that's what he hums... three days and counting.

I don't know how you do it, Q$. I really don't.