Tuesday, August 7, 2007

I scratched my eye ball

I've been living with a tiny clear nodule embedded into the soft tissue of my eye lid for the past two days. Wasn't too bad - my contacts behaved as a nice little band aid for me. But whenever the contacts were out and I would blink, my eye ball got a fresh little scratch. Ow.

So I went to the eye doctor. He got it out. I figured I would end up paying $100 for him to stick a Q-tip in my eye and pull the little bugger out. But since my issue wasn't related to vision (for which I have no insurance), they billed our medical insurance. Woo-hoo!

And like most things, you take the good with the not so good.

As I'm standing at the counter, writing my piddly little copay check, the technician who had been helping me said, "So just how tall are you?" In my head, I always complete this sentence with "you freak." Thanks, lady. If I weren't so happy that my eye doesn't hurt and my wallet doesn't hurt, I might just go postal on you.

1 comment:

Kara said...

You know what's worse? When someone has known you for say...4 years and out of the blue they say something like, "You're really tall, how tall are you?"
As if they didn't notice that you stand a good foot and a half over them.