Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thoughts on Egypt

I haven't really blogged about this, so here goes.
I never wanted to go to Egypt. A year and a half ago, when we started planning this production, I didn't want to go. I spent weeks, no - months, praying that God would change my heart. My assumption was that I didn't want to go because I was scared of it. After some serious soul searching, I came to terms with the fact that what I really wanted was to be pregnant. And I felt called to be - now. And I was tired of putting my life on hold for my job, no matter how cool of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity awaited. It was a matter of pride to comes to terms with that. But once I did, I have never felt more relieved and satisfied in my identity. God even blessed me with a pregnancy pretty close to "my" timeline. I have never had any regrets about not hauling a 60lb backpack through the desert for 20 hour days.

Until today.

Keith called this morning from the top of Mount Sinai. I could be there with him. But I'm at home, knocked up. I say it so casually because my twinge of jealousy, of what could have been, is short lived. Sitting at my desk sorting receipts, I am doing the most important job of my life - I'm a mother.


Heidi said...

I'm so happy for your baby!

And for you. You're going to have your very own "Mt. Sinai moment" in a few short months and you and Keith will be side-by-side for that one!!

See you soon:-)

Kara said...

Oh God you two bring tears to my eyes.
Or maybe that's the hormones.
Either way,
You are both spot on.
So great to be part of your mommy group.

SN said...

amen sister! mt. sinai will always be there. just think how cool it would be to stand on top not only with your hubby, but also with your kids!! when keith gets back, let's hang! -sn