Monday, August 17, 2009

Thoughts on conservation

I consider myself pretty conscientious when it comes to conservation.
I turn lights off when I leave a room.
I don't let the water run while I brush my teeth.
I'm lazy when it comes to recycling, but I've thought a lot about how I need to step it up a bit in that department (does that even count?)
Water conservation is probably the biggest impression I have from my one year as a girl scout. I think about it a lot.We don't recyle our shower water or anything, but I really do attempt to scrimp when it comes to pouring perfectly good water down the drain.

Or so I thought.

Then I spent the weekend camping in a trailer.
It was our first time out in mom & dad's camper. I did not participate in filling it up with water. I had no idea how much water it really held. We did dishes, flushed, and gave Ben a bath. The whole weekend, I wondered "do we have enough water for this?" I even had separate water for drinking. And we used the public restroom most of the time. But still I worried.

Because I knew the water supply was finite.

So I used water differently.
I scrimped for real.

And I realized - I attempt to conserve water at home because it's what I'm supposed to do. Not because I recognize our water supply as finite. And it is.

It's true even when camping within site of seemingly never-ending Lake Michigan.
It's changed the way I conserve even at home.
I think everyone should spend a weekend with a limited water supply - it makes a difference.

And those are my thoughts on conservation.

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