Friday, June 8, 2007


Katester says I have been meme'd. Or tagged with a meme. Or something. Here's how it goes.

1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.
2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.
4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.

So... here's some randomness about ME. In no particular order. And with no particular relevance.

1. I get really random words stuck in my head sometimes. Like Clay Aiken. I am not a Clay Aiken fan, but I can have days when his name (the pronunciation more than it's meaning really) bounce around inside my brain at least 20 times. Foosball is another one. Or Canoe. Say it. Canoe. Say it again. See - that's what I live with.

2. I will eat almost anything if it has sun dried tomatoes in it. Almost anything. On the flip side, there are things I may enjoy that I refuse to eat solely based on texture. And as long as we're talking about eating, I would be okay if everyday involved some form of pizza.

3. My hair gets huge with humidity. Like that episode of Friends where Joey and Rachel hook up and Monica goes ballistic about ping pong. I also have very little patience for "doing" hair. It's not the best combination. And to make it worse, my hairdresser gave me bangs for summer. I love them - they're so Reece Witherspoon. 'Til it's humid. And then I kind of feel like my head is the shell and my bangs are the turtle and he's scared. I have pictures to illustrate, but I'm still deciding if they should be posted here. (Kara, think Pompano Beach...)

4. One time, at Sunday School, I remember my teacher asking me what my ideal job would be. I said taking pictures for National Geographic so I could travel and see cool things. It kinda worked out.

5. I don't consider myself an "angry" person. But I
am an impatient one. I've realized recently that 95% of my anger comes from my impatience. And I definitely need to work on having more patience. I think that the other 5% of my anger comes from being hurt. I really can't think of any other major influencer on my anger than those two things.

6. I'm not really a dreamer. I have night dreams, but I don't really day dream - at least not in the romantic sense of the word. When I day dream, I imagine the worst possible scenario for the situation I'm in. (When carrying a baby - what if I fall? When passing a semi - what if he rolls over? When trying on shoes - they won't fit.) I don't know why - I'm not
that big of a worrier. And I don't enjoy horror. I think it just comes down to being prepared. I'm not proud of that.

7. In high school, I loved band. Really loved it. I played the snare drum in marching band. I am a band nerd and I am liberated by admitting it. This isn't me, but I could have done it 10 years ago. And yes, band camp really is that much fun.

8. Speaking of school - I graduated as valedictorian of my high school. I took school very seriously. I paid a lot of money (so did my parents) to get a very fine college education. I enjoy learning. But I am not a "sponge" like some people. I'm dumber now than I was. I've lost my learnin' and I hate that. I have no idea what I studied in the vast majority of courses I aced. Don't tell my parents.

Now for the hardest part - the tagging. Most of my blog readers don't blog themselves. Or I would tag you, Meghan, Kara, Quincy, Doug, Wass, any member of my family... So instead of tagging, I'm inviting everyone on this list to START A BLOG!!!! In the meantime, see what the Hogan Fam does with it, or Under a big grey tent, Brett, or Tim have to say. Sorry I'm not as connected as you, Katester :)


Katester said...

I'm not connected. I just have friends who are as nerdy as me. :)

Anonymous said...

What do I love when I love Big Johnson? (feeling philosophical....) I am SO GLAD you have this blog--I read it every day, plus all the archives, of course. I have been very seriously considering a knit blog for the past six months--but I need some help! Call me--let's chat!

Anonymous said...

Also. Thought it was strange you didn't list your fear of checking into a hotel room and finding a bed with both a head AND foot board (triggering your hotdog complex), as one of the "lesser known" facts about Sara Hogan.