Monday, April 9, 2007

I wish I was a Baller

I don't mean to brag, but I (with my husband) are privileged enough to be considered VIP members of our local credit union. Not that we have so much money saved there - rather, it may have something to do with our negative net worth that they like so much, but VIP it is. Between the two of us, we technically have 7 accounts there. I like to think they know who we are. I'd be wrong.

We went to said credit union two weeks ago for mortgage pre-appoval. We worked with Dave, our friendly loan officer, filling out ALL the appropriate personal information. Dave kindly sent our file back to us, so we had a copy. Dave made the mistake of mailing the file with our credit reports, SSN, income, etc., to our new address. Right. To the house we don't own yet. To the people who still live there. Could you possibly make a worse mistake as a bank employee? Is there a better way to beg for identity theft? I think not.

Luckily, the sellers are good people and forwarded the package to our realtor. When I picked it up today and saw everything in the file, I got so mad I started to shake, and my blood pressure rose. Literally. Keith joined me as we left the realtor's office and headed straight for the credit union.

On the way over, we imagined the scene --
Keith holding me back as I swing around him, screaming "What's my address, B*#@!?? Say it - say it!"

And then I remember Pastor Dave's sermon about showing people Jesus while you're at work and in your every day activities. Dang. Just when I had a good gangsta reaction and everything.

So we politely told the branch manager, who gave us the number of the morgage supervisor - I called him. Everybody was very apologetic and I managed not to swear at anyone. But man... do I ever have some gangsta rage right now...


sknaB nolA said...

I am so laughing out load right now!

Katester said...

Speaking of "What's my address, B*#@!??" you have to watch this:

and I watch my nickname had to do with BJ . . .

Katester said...

I shouldn't have been leaving comments at 2:00 a.m. What I meant to say was, I WISH my nickname had something to do with BJ. :)