Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My theory on fall

October is by FAR my favorite month. I've always loved it. Even the rain. The color, the crunch, the air sharp enough to make you tingle, but not hurt. Fall is good.

"I have a theory about that."

Seems like (in Michigan at least), every season takes us by surprise. It gets hot enough for shorts before you get your shorts up from the basement and back in the closet. Spring takes forever to come, but once it does it comes all at once - and then it snows again.

Fall is the only real slow progression into a season. It just keeps getting colder, but slowly. And while you're busy eating a caramel apple. Sort of a blissful distraction of the inevitable. Enjoy it while it lasts!


Anonymous said...

Fall is the best for me, too. I guess MI was mentioned on the Today show last week for its colors? Can't wait to see you Friday night.

Katester said...

fall? what's that? pumpkin spice latte anyone?