Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We're In

The move this weekend went well. We had oodles of macho help and stayed ahead of schedule most of the day (that just gives me warm fuzzy feelings all over).

Our neighborhood is a playground. There are kids playing everywhere - I love it, but if I'm perfectly honest, it incites a middle-school anxiety of whether or not I'll be cool enough to be "in." Our closest neighbors, Cody & Emma, are in 4th & 2nd grade. My mom set the table nicely with them on Saturday, telling Cody "you'll like Keith - he's a big kid."

So on Sunday, Keith and I officially met the duo and their dad. They played in our yard for almost 2 hours. I shoved fudge pops down their throats and kept telling them how cool I thought they were. I think it worked - they seemed to like us. The assumption was confirmed on Monday.

Keith was playing basketball with Troy, Faith & Dad H. - I was out front. A kid I didn't recognize rode his bike past the house twice, peering down the drive. The third time I swallowed the middle-school anxiety and called out to him.

Me: Hey, dude!
Him: Are you the new neighbor?
Me: Sure are! You played on that hoop before?
Him: Yep - my friend lived here.
Me: Want to join my husband and his dad? You can play with them.
Him: Sure!

An hour later, Sam was joined by three more of his friends, in our yard.

Keith: My name's Keith.
Kid 2: I know.
Kid 3: Cody told us about you. Said you were cool.

We're In!!!
I think I'll keep fudge pops in the freezer all summer. Either that or learn how to make a basket.

1 comment:

Katester said...

Wow, what would it be like to not only talk to your neighbors, but PLAY with them as well?! One time I came home and all these kids who looked like they just got out of Juvi were SITTING ON THE TOP OF MY CAR. Then the kid cussed at me when I told him to get off. That night they tagged our wall with gang graffiti. I'm sure if we were in Michigan he would have come over and I could have redirected his passion for art to finger and/or impressionist painting.