Tuesday, November 13, 2007

another lesson from Israel... sort of

Traveling to cool places for work with your husband is not romantic.

Traveling for work with your husband inevitably leads to some sort of sex joke from colleagues that definitely qualifies as sexual harassment, but somehow it's okay because they're talking about your husband. That pisses me off.

Traveling for work with your husband doesn't actually satisfy your desire to travel together - rather, it intensifies it.

My husband recognizes all this and has booked me a room here for the weekend.

The idea of getting away, just for a night, makes putting up with a "Let's see how many times we can say 'that's what she said' today" competition a little easier. (I wish I were kidding...)


Boone said...

Let the record show that I had no part in or ever participated in that stupid game.
I suffered with my wife this time.

Boone said...

Let the record show that I had no part in or ever participated in that stupid game.
I suffered with my wife this time.