Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Letter to my son

My Dear Baby Boy,

I already feel like I've loved you my whole life. This week, Daddy and I got our first glimpse of you through the ultrasound monitor. It was the first day we knew for sure you were a boy (although we both had a hunch all along)! It was a magical day! It made us so impatient for the day when we can hold you and kiss you and touch you all over, from the tip of your head to the bottoms of your feet.

I get distracted a lot lately, dreaming about you. I wonder if you'll have lots of dark hair when you're born and if your fingers will be long like mine or thick like daddy's. I can't wait for you to meet your family - they all love you so much. And you won't believe how fun your pets are.

I've been praying for you since before you were alive and I continue to every single day. I pray that God will grow you healthy and strong, that he'll protect you from common baby discomforts and that he'll reveal himself to you, even now. Daddy and I think we have your name picked out already, but we know for sure that God knows it.

I can't feel you yet and lots of people don't even notice you as a "bump" in me yet, but we saw all of your working parts this week - we know that you're whole and unique and that we couldn't possibly love you more. I'm already so proud to call myself your mom.

with all the love in my heart,

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