Monday, June 16, 2008

some random thoughts on Monday

I think with few exceptions, adults just aren't challenged enough. Sure, we're challenged with the day-to-day living and normal growing-older-changes. But when was the last time you were faced with a real "what do I stand for" challenge? I can't remember the last time, save not flipping off the idiot who played chicken with me in the left turn lane last Thursday.

Sunday's Sermon was all about "what message are you giving?" What's it mean to live as a priest (a la Malachi 1). It's an interesting question. I think too often, my response to a less than ideal situation is anxiety, anger, sarcasm. When it should really be more of grace, acceptance, truth.

This kid I know modeled such behavior for me. I'd retell the story, but I've already heard it thrice daily for the past week. You can read one of the many articles about him here.

I've also been completely sucked into a Christian Ficition novel (gasp!) that I NEVER would have picked up off the shelf if a friend hadn't placed it in my lap. If you need a role model and have some beach time this summer, check out Francine Rivers' Mark of the Lion trilogy. There's more there than reaches the eye, I swear.

I know these three thoughts seem quite unrelated, but in my head they all work together for one compelling conviction - being a Christian takes some work. And I've been freeloading for too long. Next step: do something about it.


Katester said...

Who are these children?! It's simply unfair to the rest of us average members of society. :) Oh, and about your thoughts, I'm right there with you. It's all a process, and as we get older, we realize we really don't know as much as we thought we did. I think it's right where we're supposed to be. And then we keep going . . .

Heidi said...

Our sermon on Sunday was was about how faith is a marathon, not a sprint. If you think it's easy and requires little effort, you're wrong. It requires the greatest effort of your life. And to every race, there is a "finish." Our minister asked, "How will you finish?"
"Freeloading?" Well said!