Saturday, August 30, 2008

Money well spent

Behold, the best $25 I've ever spent in my life. I hate people touching my feet. But Ellen at AT Nails did me right.

And yes, actually I do worry about whether I'll get stretch marks on my ankle.

And then a complete impulse buy...
While picking up the necessities at Babies R Us, we came across the cutest bassinet I've ever seen in my life. Converts to a moses basket or a chair. We had a loner, but I just couldn't leave this one on the shelf. Keith loved it because it came with only TWO screws. Does it get any better???

If you're shopping, too, you can product details here.


Heidi said...

Great nails. Very cute bassinet. That's how quickly things change in the Babies R Us world...those didn't exist when we were shopping one year ago. Will it be parked in your bedroom?

SH said...

It wasn't there when I registered a month ago! It's already in the bedroom - but we can bring the basket part downstairs any time! (The carseat was installed this weekend, too. And bags are packed. EEK!)