Monday, August 4, 2008

overly dramatic, yet desperate plea for help

No one reading this should be surprised that I like to organize. Especially closets. I don't always like maintaining organization, but getting everything into appropriate groups makes my heart happy. And nothing is better than an organized closet.

Keith gave me light in the nursery closet last week, so I've begun trying to figure out where things will go in the entire room. You would think this would be less of a chore for me - it really is just grouping things, but it's completely unknown territory. I sort of feel like I've been asked to organize a wood working shop. Do you want chizels hanging for easy access or are they better in a drawer? Does each tool get its own spot, or do you group similar tools together, kind of like in the kitchen?
I'm completely paralyzed without a plan.

I started by washing the oodles of hand-me-downs we've received. And then I stopped. Do I organize by type? Ie short-sleeved-no-legged onesies, sleepers, winter, summer... And if this is the route, what are the categories??? I opted to go with sizes instead - I sorted by 0-3, 3-6, and 6-9 month and for now, each size has a drawer. But it's not going to cut it. I'm almost out of drawer space and the sizes across brands are totally different. Is there any point in hanging anything ever? Oooh - just had an idea - I do have some of those closet shelf hanger thingys... but still the sorting issue.

I know that I will find a groove once I'm actually living in that room, but in the meantime - any advice??? I already signed up for Martha's organizing tip of the day but so far she's been worthless and I'm one more package from away from a meltdown.


Heidi said...

For once, you've stumped me. I've got nothin'. I ran into the same quandry and have yet to figure it out. I just reorganized again last week...this time by "type" (i.e. dresses all hang together regardless of size, pants, shirts, etc.) and still, I'm not happy. If you figure out the secret, let me know!
P.S. Isn't the best? Shopping without leaving the house AND without paying shipping? Now that's what makes MY heart happy!

SH said...

Well if YOU'RE stumped, there's no hope for me. It's good to know there isn't something obvious that I'm overlooking. I'll just keep plugging away...