Monday, June 8, 2009

Communion Prayer

One of the greatest blessings about my membership at Madison is the opportunity, responsibility, and privilege to serve communion alongside my husband. Our church offers communion once a month and we have 6 stations where people can approach for the elements. Accepting communion practices in the Reformed tradition has been a challenge for my Lutheran Raised Self to deal with ever since Freshmen year of college at Hope.

I'm here to tell you, 11 years later, I love both traditions. And I truly think they both get some things right and some things a little less right.

But that's neither here nor there.

Yesterday was Communion Sunday.
Yesterday, I got to look into the eyes of about 100 brothers and sisters and tell them Christ's body was broken for them. For the forgiveness of their sins. Then I got to offer them a plate and see them accept it. Accept Him. Accept forgiveness.

Lots of people come with eyes sparkling with tears. Sometimes I join them. Other people get uncomfortable with the 1:1 eye contact. I don't (anymore).

When people approach so clearly broken and hurting, I pray that by participating in communion, some of their hurt is lessened. Often, the faces of those who are really hurting stay with me during the week and I continue to pray for their nameless hurts.

Today, I'm praying for a woman who's hungry.
And I'm not talking about being hungry in the spiritual sense.
This woman's stomach was empty. I can only guess her cupboards were, too.
I looked for her after the service, eager to invite her to join us for breakfast.
I didn't find her.
I know that the four cubes of bread she asked for at communion did not satisfy her physical needs.
Today, I just cannot shake her face from my mind.
Feed her, Lord.

1 comment:

Katester said...

Yes, I did think about how I was bummed you weren't on the way! Maybe next time you can just meet us in Boston. :)