Monday, November 19, 2007

the biggest of my peeve's

I am often called upon to proofread at work.
Websites, package copy, video graphics, you name it - I'm supposed to know how to spell it. And punctuate it. (And they say I'm not using my degree...)
BY FAR the biggest offense in this office is the abuse of apostrophes.
I've been giving this lesson for FIVE YEARS!!
Some would say I'm maybe a little hypersensitive about apostrophes, but I just can't understand why it's so hard to understand. Even if it's counterintuitive to you, the rule isn't difficult to remember... And a careless mistake here and there is okay. But why...WHY do you ALWAYS have to insert an apostrophe? Sometimes they just need a break!

So there we were...
On a peaceful, relaxing weekend...
I couldn't help but be a little distracted...


Katester said...

Oh no, I COMPLETELY understand. I would have gone ballistic.

Anonymous said...

Preachin' to the choir.