Wednesday, November 14, 2007

"circle of life" or "justice" (depending on my stage of life)

I had dinner with a dear friend last night.
While we were visiting, her husband called to report that he was locked out of the house.
I gave my dear friend a pretty hard time about that.
I have never known anyone to get locked out of things more than her... and now her husband.
But I paid for it.

Scene: morning, exterior
Keith: "You have keys?"
Sara: "oh, you're kidding."

The good news is we got in the house pretty quickly - like in 3 minutes.
The bad news is we got in the house pretty quickly.
I see a weekend project of installing glass block basement windows in our near future...

1 comment:

Katester said...

Can I just say that I love that you have a category titled "stupid stuff I do"?