Friday, March 21, 2008

I can't believe it either

I am quite possibly the luckiest married girl in the world. Brace yourselves, I'm about to gush.
Keith left yesterday for the better part of a month. 24 days. I used to be accustomed to him being gone all the time, but I'm out of practice and yesterday was hard. It was made even harder by the fact that even the animals seem to be mourning his loss and I don't know how to tell them it's not forever.

My wonderful, romantic, thoughtful, mush of a husband took exceptional care to make sure that even I know his absence is not forever. In the mail yesterday, I had a card from him. He says I'll get one every day he's gone, that he's made "arrangements."

All night (and again this morning), I found post-it notes in every cupboard, drawer, on the OJ, in the window shade, all with a different message telling me how special I am to him (and displaying a THOROUGH knowledge of my routine).

All of this to say, I miss him more than I was prepared for, but that doesn't stop me from glowing today. I hope he can see it all the way in Egypt.


Heidi said...

That's incredible. I'd miss him, too!

Kara said...

Don't tell Eric you're giving him a bad name.