Monday, March 3, 2008

an attempt at optimism

I've been trying to come up with something upbeat, happy, or just plain witty to post. It's been a challenge. I could gush about my husband, who is hands down the best thing that's happened to me since potty training. But it's hard to do that and not just get braggadocious.

At the risk of being a total weinie, here's my happy post:

To you, this may just look like evidence that our animals do in fact rule our household.
To me, there are five distinct things about this picture that make me happy:
1. My animals. (2/3 of them at least). I love them more than I think I probably should.
2. My animals getting along. Not just cohabitating, but actually seeking each other out.
3. No flash used in this picture, folks. That's actual sunshine coming through the windows. Isn't it glorious?
4. It's a picture of my favorite pastime - sleep. Not just sleep, but napping. Talk about glorious.
5. My husband-of-the-year snapped this picture while he was home cleaning the house. That includes dusting and laundry. Who could ask for more?
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Heidi said...

So cute!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad things are looking up. At least for today.