Monday, March 10, 2008

it's not for free

The last thing Troy said to the group of us assembled to bid them farewell at the airport was the traditional benediction - Numbers 6:24-26. And then he asked for prayer - because it's not for free that they answer God's call on their life. Satan won't just stand by and let them impact a Muslim country.

I don't know how far in advance Troy prepared those words, but I think they're perfect. I can't even imagine better words.

I want to write them down here, so I remember them and so that maybe they bless you in some way and so that you can maybe say a prayer for my sister & brother (I'm so over the "in-law" crap) as they begin this incredible journey.

The phrase "it's not for free" has been echoing in the caverns of my brain ever since. I have a lot of thoughts on this. The most coherent one is this: what's the cost? I have to believe God expects more out of me than just accepting the fact that he called my family to live on the other side of the globe. So what does he expect? What decisions do I make each and every single day that accept his call or deny it? How long can I live life assuming my faith is free? What opportunities to sacrifice have I ignored?

It's not for free...


Heidi said...

Classic Sara Jo: humble to the core. You live your life every day as an example to me. It may not be across the seas, but it's me, it's everything!

SH said...

Thanks, Heid. I love you! And nice reference to your homework assignment :)